S17E1 - The Underground - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.
Summary: The Animorphs have just found a new weapon against the Yeerks: oatmeal. Yes, oatmeal. But only the maple and ginger flavor. Instant maple and ginger flavor. It drives the Yeerks insane, giving their hosts some freedom...but also eliminates the Yeerks' need for Kandrona, which means they can stay permanently in their hosts' brains. Should the Animorphs use it? Is some freedom better than none, or should total freedom be the goal?
Sorry for my voice not being quite up to its ideal smoothness for Rachel. I still have lingering congestion from that awful sickness I had last month. Just pretend Rachel has a cold, too.
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If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Blue Sky @renagail.bsky.social, Instagram @renagail_narrator, or on my website: RenaGail.com. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible: