S6E17 - The Capture - Chapter 17

Chapter 17 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

I've got a new effect in here for the internal dialogue between Jake and Yeerk, something that was distinct from thoughtspeak, even though it uses the same <> brackets in the text. Additionally, I made the creative choice to edit out all my breathing sounds for when the Yeerk is talking (just as I do for normal thoughtspeak), but NOT to do so for Jake. Partly because I realized I was conveying a lot of Jake's emotion through the breathing, but also because I kind of liked the idea that Jake's brain is still trying to get the words out physically and keeps his mental voice identical to how his physical voice WOULD sound if he could only say the words aloud.

Would love to know what people think! You can find me on Twitter @RenaTheReader, or through email at rena.gail [at] hotmail.com. Thanks for listening!

Find out more at https://animorphs-aloud.pinecast.co

Copyright 2019