S6E1 - The Capture - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of The Capture, part 6 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: The Animorphs are starting to get the hang of this "infiltrate and save the world" gig. But what happens when a mission goes wrong and the enemy they face is no longer on the outside...but is now one of their very own...

Notes: Book 6 is here! I don't think I'll be releasing it quite as fast as the previous one, but I do hope to still be pretty consistent. Enjoy! Also don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible here!


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