S13E1 - The Change - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of The Change, part 13 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: Tobias has been trapped as a red-tailed hawk for some time now. And he's made his peace with it. But he'd give anything to be human again...wouldn't he?

Don't forget to support the official Animorphs audiobooks!

We are back with our regularly scheduled programming! I'm really glad that I had a week of extra time, because a program crash and a backup malfunction nearly caused me to lose the hour of material that I already had recorded! I was so worried I would have to start again from scratch, but thankfully, after some work, I was able to recover nearly all of it, except for a 12-second stretch (which is nothing at all really!).

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader or on my website: RenaGail.com. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible:


Copyright 2019