S12E16 - The Reaction - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 of The Reaction, part 12 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

You know, I think I've figured it out. Why I've been so tired and finding it hard to make myself edit chapters lately. Not only am I recovering from seeing extended family (which always wears on me), but I've also been listening to Michael Grant's Gone series. Despite the fact that it's marketed only a couple of years older than Animorphs, his writing is MUCH darker in that one, and I didn't realize how draining it was until I had to just suddenly stop listening to it on the way home from work today. It's very violent and disturbing for a kids series. I'm guessing it was Katherine Applegate who made Animorphs so light-hearted at times. (Thank goodness book 12 is one of those lighter books! Or I would definitely need a short break.)

Anyway, I'm still going to keep trying to upload a chapter every two days, even if it takes me until the end of the day to do it instead of the start of the day. Good news is, even if I fall behind schedule for this one, I'll have no trouble catching up with the next one (The Andalite Chronicles) because I've already got the first several chapters completely ready to go! (I recorded them early for a friend.)

Thanks for listening!

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