S16E14 - The Warning - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 of The Warning, part 16 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.
There are sometimes when I do a moment in a scene two different ways, and it can be hard to know which is the best choice. That was the case for today's chapter: initially I did Cassie's "Unless that's too late!" monologue with a little more passion and aggression. But once I got to the end, she was patiently waiting on Jake's answer and Marco had no comeback, so I decided to do it again, and scale it back.
Interestingly, I feel like the initial choice was the better acted one, and I would have preferred to keep it! But it just didn't quite flow right with the overall scene. That's the tricky thing about being my own director - there's no second opinion! But each choice hopefully helps me to improve for the future, so yay for that.
Thanks for listening!