S7E1 - The Stranger - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of The Stranger, part 7 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series.

Summary: An Animorph's life is never easy. But what do you do when your home life begins to fall apart as well? And even worse, a creature with powers you can't begin to comprehend shows up and informs you that your efforts to fight are doomed to fail?

Notes: Book 7 is here! I'm in the process of moving house, so this may have an inconsistent updating schedule. But I'll do my best! Enjoy! Don't forget to support the official Animorph audiobooks!

Also, special shout-out to Twitter user Anthony Reyes (@Profoundant89) for reaching out and saying hi, and giving me the motivation to get this next book started sooner rather than later! It's listeners like you that make me love doing this!

If you like this podcast and want more, you can find me on Twitter @RenatheReader. You can also find my professional audiobooks on Audible! Link:


Find out more at https://animorphs-aloud.pinecast.co

Copyright 2019